Contents tagged with benefits of massage therapy

  • Meet Paddi

    After a hip injury, Paddi experienced pain in her left hip that took over a year and a half to subside, without receiving treatment. This pain interrupted almost all of her physical activity and made … more

  • Meet Christine

    Christine is a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN), and her very physical job can take a toll on her body. She spends her 12-hour shifts on her feet, bending, turning and twisting when providing care or … more

  • Meet Kathie

    Kathie experienced neck pain for at least 15 years – first made worse from her years working in potentially uncomfortable positions sitting at a desk, and after she retired it was further aggravated … more

  • Massage Therapy for Headaches

    Everyone has experienced a headache at some point in their life, often as a result of muscle tension or stress. Many Canadians experience chronic headaches of various types, which can limit their … more

  • Massage Therapy for Arthritis

    Over 20% of Canadian adults suffer from some form of arthritis, and the likelihood of suffering from arthritis only increases with age. Arthritis can cause significant pain which can greatly impact … more

  • Massage Therapy for Cancer Pain

    People with cancer experience a variety of potentially debilitating symptoms both as a part of their treatment and as part of the disease itself. Many people with cancer experience pain, fatigue and … more

  • Back Pain Facts and Myths

    Back Pain Facts and Myths

    Back pain is common – up to 80% of Canadians will experience back pain at least once in their adult life. Despite how common it is a lot of misinformation exists about what … more

  • Infographic: Massage Therapy for Seniors

    This infographic outlines the benefits of massage therapy for conditions commonly associated with aging. This includes the benefits of massage therapy for strokes, dementia and arthritis.            … more