Updated COVID-19 Information for RMTs


The information regarding COVID-19 is rapidly changing, and we want to keep our members informed about how this will impact their practices. We will continue to provide updates as soon as they become available. 

In the interest of public health and to maintain continuous operations, the RMTAO will be operating remotely as of March 18, 2020, until further notice. We will be providing regular updates to our members, and will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. The best way to reach a member of the RMTAO staff is to email info@rmtao.com.

If you are more comfortable with a phone call, you can email us to have one arranged. We will be able to check voicemail during this time, and will get back to you as soon as possible.

There have been several announcements from the College of Massage Therapists' of Ontario as well as the Federal and Provincial Governments. 

CMTO Updates

The CMTO has recently recommended that RMTs suspend all non-essential massage therapy services. The CMTO recommends using your professional judgement for what you deem to be essential to the patient. 

We recommend that RMTs follow all CMTO guidance, which will likely evolve as the situation evolves. You can read the full CMTO statement here. 

RMTAO Updates

The RMTAO understands that this pandemic also represents a time of financial uncertainty to our members. We will be advocating to the federal and provincial governments to ensure that support is available for self-employed people. We will update our members on any responses we may receive. 

Federal Updates

The Prime Minister has announced that financial help is on the way to help Canadians get through the COVID-19 crisis. 

It has been suggested that these measures will include employment insurance supports and direct income supports for those who don't qualify for employment insurance. They also could include money for businesses to allow them to keep people on the payroll even when they are at home, new access to credit for businesses, help with mortgage payments, enhanced Canada Child benefits, and access to GST credits for low-income Canadians. Postponing the deadline for filing taxes has also not been ruled out. 

The Prime Minister has stated that further details about these initiatives will come in announcements tomorrow and over the course of the rest of the week. 

Provincial Updates

Premier Doug Ford has announced today that he is ordering a state of emergency, which means that facilities providing indoor recreational programs, public libraries, private schools, all licensed childcare centres, all bars and restaurants (other than those providing takeout and delivery) will be closed until further notice. 

Premier Ford has also announced that he will be introducing legislation to offer financial protection to workers who are unable to work due to COVID-19, whether that is due to being required to be in quarantine, looking after children due to school and daycare closures or being directed by an employer not to work. 

It is unclear whether this legislation might apply to self-employed individuals or what the details of the legislation may be, but the RMTAO will be advocating to the provincial government for help to be made available for self-employed individuals. 

Tags: covid19, update, news