Conference Presentation and Session Information

Conference Presentation and Session Information

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Keynote Presentation: Dismantling Systemic Discrimination - Equitable and Accessible Healthcare

Running a Practice Sessions

Condition-Specific Sessions

Population-Specific Sessions


June 1, 2024


Time Session
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM Opening Remarks and Awards Presentation by RMTAO Board Chair and Executive Director
9:45 AM - 11:00 AM Keynote Presentation: Dismantling Systemic Discrimination - Equitable and Accessible Healthcare- Dr. James Makokis & Anthony Johnson
11:00 AM - 12:45 PM  Lunch
12:45 PM - 2:00 PM Implicit Bias: Interrupting the stories that prevent us from delivering optimal care - Kerry Jordan from the Healwell organization
TMJ and/or Neck Dysfunction as Contributing Factors to Ear Symptoms - Jules Poulin
Movement Hacks and Snacks: supporting the sitting worker to move more - Dani Faucher
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM Break
2:15 PM - 3:30 PM The Legal Playbook for RMTs: Skills for success in Business - James Dondo and Chantel Ehler
Osteoarthritis: How Massage Therapists Can Help Their Clients Thrive - Active Initiatives: Kerry Carlson & Tera Mezynski (BC)
Pediatric Massage Treatment: Infant to 3 years - Paula Jaspar (BC)
3:30 PM End of Conference Day 1 

June 2, 2024


Time Session
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM Developing a Growth Mindset for Your Practice - Emilie McKay
Sciatica: An Evidence-Based Approach - Richard Lebert
A Soft Touch: Palliative Massage - Susan Shipton
11:15 AM - 11:30 AM Break
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Awards Presentation by RMTAO Board Chair and Executive Director
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM The Happy + Healthy RMT: A Career of Balance, Not Burnout - Anne Kaarid
Understanding and treating disorders of interoception: techniques to refine connection between the brain and body - Tracie Skolny
How could cancer treatment impact my massage treatments? - Janet Penny
2:15 PM End of Conference Day 2 

Keynote Presentation

Dr. James Makokis and Anthony Johnson

James Makokis

Amazing Two Spirit Couple - Advocates and Educators

Anthony Johnson and Dr. James Makokis shattered conventional norms as the first-ever Two-Spirit team on the Amazing Race Canada. Their inspiring journey brought critical issues of gender, sexuality, and First Nations experiences to the national spotlight. Demonstrating tenacity, resilience, and indomitable spirit, they triumphed in Season 7, setting a ground-breaking precedent for diverse representation in popular media.

While they may seem inseparable, each brings a unique perspective, a distinct skill set, and a wealth of lived experiences that have shaped them into the advocates they are today. Their intertwined journeys as individuals, as a Two-Spirit couple, and as part of the rich tapestry of their peoples' history, have fueled their work in service and in advocacy. Their focus lies in raising awareness about the challenges faced by First Nation and LGBTQ2S+ communities, and the need for equity and accessibility.

As they traverse Canada, sharing tales of their Amazing Race journey, their community endeavors, and their unique perspectives, they provide insightful recommendations on how to further their cause and challenge oppressive stereotypes. Their mission is to globally unite allies in the pursuit of equal access and fair treatment for the communities they represent.

9:45AM - 11:00AM

Dismantling Systemic Discrimination - Equitable and Accessible Healthcare 

The case of Joyce Echaquan, an Atikamekw woman who experienced racism and substandard care in a Quebec hospital, shed light on the entrenched systemic discrimination Indigenous Peoples face within the healthcare system. This discrimination is not limited to small-town hospitals near reserves but extends to major hospitals in urban areas as well.

The effects of colonialism and the sustained oppression faced by First Nations have resulted in the loss of traditional knowledge and access to Indigenous medicines that have been passed down for generations. The breach of treaties forced migration, and suppression of traditional practices have contributed to a lack of health, social, and public services in First Nation communities.

Addressing health inequity and the social determinants of health for Indigenous peoples requires a comprehensive approach that centers on the preservation and promotion of traditional cultures, self-determination through self-governance, and community control over lands, education, and social services.

Dr. Makokis will share firsthand stories and insights gained through treating transgender patients, shedding light on the stigma and discrimination faced by LGBTQ2S individuals in the healthcare system. The intersectionality of racism, gender bias, and systemic discrimination disproportionately affects marginalized populations in Canada, leading to adverse health outcomes and unnecessary loss of lives. These patterns of abuse are consistent with the historical and ongoing systemic oppression faced by First Nations peoples and LGBTQ2S populations.

Dr. Makokis is a passionate advocate for Indigenous and LGBTQ2S peoples within and beyond his medical practice. His innovative approach to transgender and Indigenous healthcare has transformed the lives of high-risk patients and challenged the status quo of current medical practices. Driven by his firsthand knowledge of the unique challenges faced by transgender and Indigenous patients, he brings a new perspective that combines research, patient-focused care, and a commitment to improving health outcomes.

To effect meaningful change, the current healthcare system must prioritize cultural safety, trauma-informed care, and restorative actions when adverse events occur. Adequate financial resources and investments are needed to rebuild and strengthen Indigenous health systems that have been impacted by federal legislation over the years.

It is essential to move away from a fragmented approach to healthcare provision and instead implement quality control measures that ensure equitable care for all. Drawing from his experiences growing up in a segregated First Nation community and his work at the Kehewin Health Centre, Dr. Makokis provides a unique perspective that highlights the history, challenges, and strategies required to improve healthcare practices and delivery for LGBTQ2S and Indigenous peoples.

Dr. Makokis tailors his presentation to address the specific needs and circumstances of each organization and community, offering practical solutions to combat systematic oppression within the healthcare system. Whether focusing on Indigenous health, LGBTQ2S health, or both, he empowers participants with knowledge, insights, and strategies that contribute to creating a more inclusive and equitable healthcare environment for all.

Concurrent Education Sessions

 Running a Practice Sessions 

Implicit Bias: Interrupting the stories that prevent us from delivering optimal care

“The brain didn't actually evolve to see the world the way it is ... The brain has evolved to see the world it is useful to see.” Dr. Beau Lotto In this session, we will explore implicit bias and the ways that our stories about illness/health, race/gender, and us/them, prevent us from being of the greatest service possible. Drawing on work from Lisa Feldman Barrett, Mahzarin Banaji, Anthony Greenwald, Robert Sapolsky and others, Kerry Jordan will support a better understanding of the ways our brains process our lived experience, both consciously and unconsciously, and of how our experiences and culture influence our beliefs and behaviors in ways that might not be obvious. Participants will access hidden beliefs and befriend the undeniable truth that you are not the boss of your brain.

Kerry Jordan

Kerry is the Operations Director, an instructor and an essential part of Healwell's curriculum development team. She brings 20 years of experience as an instructor and has an extensive background in teaching meditation, bodywork , and mindfulness. Kerry also teaches the skills of adult and pediatric palliative care in hospitals and clinical settings throughout the Washington, DC metro area and around the world in addition to courses about racial identity, implicit bias and anti-oppression in healthcare.

June 1, 12:45PM - 2:00PM

The Legal Playbook for RMTs: Skills for Success in Business

We are two retired RMTs who understand the challenges of negotiating contracts for clinic owners, employees and Independent Contractors (ICs). We support small businessowners and healthcare practitioners in navigating difficult conversations when contract-related issues flare up. Contract disputes can arise at any time and can test your professional boundaries and jeopardize your practice.

Understanding your rights and the laws that govern your practice, especially knowing how to protect information and negotiating difficult conversations will improve your professional competency, effect better communication, and protect your business. This session will help attendees understand legal issues that might impact their practices.

Chantel (CT) Ehler, Paralegal, Mediator, Notary Public and James Dondo, Paralegal

CT Ehler

Chantel “CT” Ehler is a Toronto native who lived in Europe, Asia and now straddles both sides of the US Canadian border. CT stopped her career as a teacher to pursue Massage Therapy, and worked in three regions of Ontario as an RMT between 2010-2022. During that time, she also served on the CMTO’s ICRC Committee, and was a Community-Based Network coordinator in the RMTAO. CT had legal aspirations since University, but during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, she found herself drawn back to legal advocacy. As someone who is proud 2SLGBTQIA+, and has invisible disability, CT is no stranger to workplace discrimination and human rights advocacy. She is a long-time member of Amnesty International, Accessible Yoga, Grassroots Law Project, and recently joined ARCH Law Centre and the Human Service and Justice Coordination Committee.

James Dondo

 James Dondo Paralegal Services is a legal service provider that can assist Healthcare Professionals with a variety of legal issues. He retired from Massage therapy in 2020 to pursue the legal field, graduating from TriOs College in 2021. He is an experienced paralegal with Tribunal experience that helps Healthcare Professionals with document preparation, court filings, and legal research.

June 1, 2:15PM - 3:30PM

Developing a Growth Mindset for Your Practice

It is natural for a practice to go through ups and downs through the years. Whether it’s a challenging patient interaction, difficult conversations with a colleague, or changing personal circumstances, RMTs can face setbacks that can feel defeating and impact their ability to provide great quality care. Having a growth mindset can help RMTs overcome these challenges, improve their patient care, and begin to develop their practices beyond the status quo.

In this session, we will look at what a growth mindset looks like in an RMT practice. Attendees will reflect on common practice scenarios and identify what their mindset is in these situations. We will then learn how to reframe these scenarios to view them through the lens of growth and learning from our failures. We will look at strategies to develop a growth mindset, including goal setting and asking for, receiving, and implementing feedback.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand what a growth mindset and a fixed mindset is
  • Identify which mindset is being used more often in common practice scenarios
  • Describe strategies to learn from failure
  • Create SMARTER goals
  • Understand how to ask for, receive and implement feedback

Emilie McKay, RMT, BHSc

Emilie’s vision is to create thriving and sustainable massage therapy practices so all RMTs can experience a life-long career. As a business and career coach at The RMTpreneur, Emilie has helped numerous RMTs, and other healthcare professionals, navigate the waters of business operations and career development. She works with her coachees to build practices that are driven by their values and support their work-life balance.

She channels her ambition towards the profession into her job as clinic director for relax. Massage Group in Ottawa, where she supports a team of over 50 RMTs. She has a Bachelor's degree in Health Science, with a concentration in leadership and business. Additionally, Emilie engages the profession by regularly working with the RMTAO, contributing to Massage Therapy Today, and connecting with local massage schools. Emilie currently sits as vice president of the Perth and District Chamber of Commerce.

June 2, 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

The Happy & Healthy RMT: A career of balance, not burnout

Exhausted? Stressed? Feeling Burned Out? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this session is for you!

As a healthcare worker you play an invaluable role in the lives of those you care for, while taking on many different tasks and responsibilities. As massage therapists we are caregivers, healers, emotional supports and manual therapists. In our field, multi-tasking is the norm. When work is done, we often take care of our families, loved ones and friends. Between work and home, our days consist of juggling many balls at once. Your exhaustion may go beyond the physical, and it can be very easy to skip self-care.

Living with a daily self-care practice is a learned discipline. In this session you will be guided through a journey of self-discovery, and introduced to ideas for you to develop your own self-care practice, and self-healing toolkit. .

Anne Käärid, RMT, NHP

Anne is a knowledgeable and creative speaker whose presentations challenge audiences to leverage their focus, think outside-of-the-box and pay attention to what matters most at work and in life. Highly compassionate, creative, and intuitive, Anne is also a compelling therapist, mentor and educator who is committed to the health and education of her patients, and to the development of her colleagues and students.

With a background in education, dance and complementary healthcare, Anne marries her skills to her work in her massage therapy practice, teaching and course development. She has an immeasurable amount of knowledge in the art of self-care, and proactive wellness.

Audiences love her practical strategies which they are able to immediately apply both personally and professionally.

June 2, 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Condition-Specific Pain Sessions

TMJ and/or Neck Dysfunction as Contributing Factors to Ear Symptoms

Ear related symptoms caused by TMJ and/or neck dysfunction have been increasing as a potential diagnosis by Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists (ENTs). This patient demographic has often undergone testing recommended by an ENT and/or Audiologist which has shown that there were no factors within their respective scopes of practice that would cause the patient’s symptoms and discomfort.

The role of massage therapy as an intervention for relief will be demonstrated in this presentation which will cover commonly seen ear symptoms, an evidence-informed perspective on how the jaw and/or neck can influence ear symptoms, and areas of treatment to assist in the reduction and management of these conditions.

Jules Poulin RMT, Owner & Clinical Director at From the Neck Up

An RMT since 2000, Jules Poulin has spent her career providing rehabilitative care to patients. A car accident in 2007 which left her with neck and jaw injuries led her on the path to wanting to learn more about the rehabilitation of these anatomical areas. The next few years saw Jules travelling throughout North America to deepen her education and knowledge to aid the TMJ and neck patient demographic. After several years of dedicated solo practice to TMJ and neck patient, Jules opened From the Neck Up in 2018 in Toronto. They are North America’s first and only RMT clinic dedicated to the rehabilitation of the jaw, head, neck, voice and tongue.

She has written several courses on TMJ rehabilitation for RMTs, been a guest speaker at the University of Toronto for the Opera & Theatre Departments since 2019, conducted self-care workshops for patients, appeared in numerous news segments discussing TMJ rehabilitation, contributed to Massage Therapy Today, and has written and taught TMD continued education courses for manual therapists.

June 1, 12:45 PM - 2:00PM

Osteoarthritis: How Massage Therapists Can Help Their Clients Thrive

Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic condition in Canada and the numbers are increasing. Younger people who are working full-time and who want to be active are on long waiting lists for total knee and hip replacements. Massage therapists are key members of the health care team who can help patients manage their osteoarthritis whether they eventually have surgery or not. In this session, discover strategies to help your patients “thrive” with this condition. With 1 in 5 people living with osteoarthritis, find out you are the right member of the health care team to be helping this growing patient population.

This is a dynamic session covering the ethology of osteoarthritis, the main symptoms, the prevalence in Canada, the preventable risk factors, pain management, key basic exercises, and the importance of massage therapists to help guide their clients to improve. We cover current evidence-based information on the importance of movement for cartilage conditioning and the prevention of joint deterioration. Q and A is encouraged throughout.

Learning Outcomes: The massage therapist will be able to answer the 6 following questions:

    1. What is Osteoarthritis and how is it different from other types of arthritis?
What are the 3 main preventable risk factors for osteoarthritis?
  • What are the 2 main guidelines we need to teach our clients about pain management.
  • What are 4 symptoms of osteoarthritis and how can they best be mitigated.
  • What are 3 other “tools” in the toolbox that a massage therapist can use with clients?
  • What is one thing that can be done in each session when working with clients with osteoarthritis

Tera Mezynski, B(Sc) Kinesiology, M(Sc) Physical Therapy and Kerry Carlson, B(Sc) Physiology, B(Sc) Physical Therapy

Tera Mezynski

Tera has worked in a health industry for over fifteen years in settings that include hospital, private practice, and exercise rehabilitation. Prior to obtaining a master's degree in physical therapy, she worked as a kinesiologist. Tera has a variety of techniques in her toolkit including vestibular rehab, advanced exercise prescription, acupuncture, muscle energy, concussion rehab and postural analysis.

 Tera's presentation style and knowledge will engage you during the session whether in person or virtual. Her enthusiasm is contagious.

Kerry Carlson, B(Sc) Physiology, B(Sc) Physical Therapy

Kerry has 25 years of experience in all areas of physical therapy including injury rehabilitation and health promotion. Prior to physical therapy, she was a research assistant in the Physiology department at UBC. Kerry is also a BCRPA certified Trainer of fitness leaders, and her passion lies in promoting active lifestyles for all ages. Kerry believes that movement needs to be for all ages and in the power of habit.

Kerry has a gift for dual task and cognitive exercise. Her exercise programs for 1:1 and group for vestibular, cognition and dual task that are second to none. Kerry has a love of research and professional development for herself and those around her. She is an unbelievable presenter who shares her knowledge of research in such a way that you can't help but be drawn in and enthused.

June 1, 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM

Sciatica: An Evidence-Based Approach

This presentation will provide an evidence-based overview of management options for people experiencing sciatica. At times symptoms of sciatica can be quite intense, but many individuals with sciatica recover within two to three months without the need for invasive treatments. In this presentation we will cover what evidence-based treatment looks like for patients at all points in time (acute, sub-acute, and chronic). We will also cover how to screen and identify people presenting with a high suspicion of serious or specific pathology (e.g. vertebral fracture, cauda equina syndrome, etc).

The speaker will provide useful and actionable information for massage therapists related to the care of acute and chronic sciatica, including:

  • Facilitating an evidence-based understanding of treatment options for people with sciatica.
  • Improving the assessment and management of low back pain.
  • An overview of best practices as it relates to the management of back pain.
  • The concept of a whole person approach as it relates to acute and chronic pain.
  • Facilitating person-centered care and shared decision-making.
  • Improving treatment outcomes with effective self-management strategies.
  • Screening and identifying people presenting with a high suspicion of serious or specific pathology (e.g. vertebral fracture, cauda equina syndrome, etc).

Richard Lebert, RMT

Richard Lebert is an educator and health care professional with a focus on digital literacy, interprofessional collaboration and person-centered care. In addition to his training as a Registered Massage Therapist, Richard has certification in Medical Acupuncture from McMaster University and a Certificate of Online and Open Learning from The University of Windsor. His work has been featured in The International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork, Canadian Chiropractor Magazine, Massage Magazine, and Massage Therapy Today.

June 2, 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Understanding and treating disorders of interoception: techniques to refine connection between the brain and body

Most of us are familiar with the 5 basic senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) but very few of us are aware of the sense of interoception. This powerful but often overlooked sense has been steadily increasing in attention over the past decade from researchers and manual therapists in the interest of understanding well-being.

This session will help participants gain a better understanding of interoception while also looking at how it relates to manual therapy, which population of patients experience altered processing, and specifically how fascia and communication play a role in the sensory experience of our patients.

While the focus of this session is on improving the interoceptive regulation of patients, the possibility exists that participants may gain valuable insights on their own internal listening skills, further enhancing the treatment experience.

Tracie Skolny, RMT, BHSc

Tracie Skolny has been a Registered Massage Therapist practicing in London for over 15 years and an educator at the college level for over 13 years. Tracie obtained her degree in Health Science from Western University in 2007 and her Massage Therapy diploma from Sutherland Chan School and Teaching Clinic in 2008.

Tracie’s passion for fascia was ignited by a 1-year structural integration program, deepened by many subsequent workshops run by Tom Myers of Anatomy Trains, and most recently, catapulted by her Craniosacral Level 1 and 2 training from the Upledger Institute.

Tracie’s treatment approach allows fascia to be the guide with the belief that acuity of palpation within the fascial system improves client outcomes through physical attunement, use of interoception, and tuning into the mechanisms by which fascia operates.

Tracie encourages her students to listen with their hands and that when it comes to pressure, less is more.

June 2, 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Population-Specific Pain Sessions

Movement Hacks and Snacks: encouraging movement with the sitting worker

The worker who sits - whether at a desk, in a vehicle or on the couch - is a familiar patient for many RMTs. You know they need to get moving for a variety of health reasons, and they know it too… so why aren’t they doing your awesome exercises? What if this is a 'you' problem?

In this session we’re going to workshop 'exercise compliance' by exploring ways to tap into your patients’ motivations, goals and challenges and help them discover movement that is meaningful, achievable and interesting, maybe even enjoyable! We’ll explore time hacks and habit changing, plus ways of deconstructing barriers and finding supports. We’ll consider neurodivergent folks and how to keep things interesting. We’ll discuss applying movement for people in pain , while encouraging self-efficacy and self-confidence. After all, the best exercise is the one they’re going to do!

Dani Faucher, RMT

Dani (she/her) is a 2015 grad RMT. Feeling fortunate to have discovered evidence-based care from the outset, she has pursued a passion for continual learning focusing on pain science through a person-centred and trauma-informed framework. She runs a home-based clinic working primarily with patients with persistent pain, Long Covid and other post-viral syndromes, and complex and catastrophic injury. Dani has relished the interaction involved in helping patients discover movement that is personally meaningful.

In the RMT community she believes strongly in promoting peer communication and connections. Dani admins a number of RMT Facebook groups and is the Coordinator for the London Community Based Network (CBN) hosting monthly peer support & learn meetings.

With an eclectic instructional background behind her of teaching English as a second language in Europe, wilderness guide in Australia, team leader of youth-at-risk programs in remote areas, and outreach supervisor for MT students, she is keen to further her educational interests. Dani has always found that if she’s going to the trouble of gathering all this info then she may as well share it!

June 1, 12:45 PM - 2:00PM

Pediatric Massage Treatment: Infant to 3 years

In this workshop the learner will focus on three key considerations.

  1. Communication for pediatric care. This will include practical approaches for communication with caregivers and the pediatric care team.
  2. Considerations for treatment environment. This will include tips and tricks for the treatment environment and tools to help alter the treatment environment.
  3. Specific massage therapy management for common conditions among the infant to 3 year old age group. This includes orthopedic (torticollis, hip dysplasia and clubfoot), post-surgical (cleft palate, abdominal surgery) and populations (cerebral palsy, genetic presentations). This will include hands-on treatment suggestions as well as recommendations for supportive homecare that the caregiver can do.

Paula Jaspar, RMT, MEd

Paula Jaspar, RMT, MEd is a Registered Massage Therapist, educator, writer and parent. She graduated massage therapy college in 1997 and completed her Masters of Education (SFU) in 2015. She has taught at the West Coast College of Massage Therapy, Langara College, Douglas College and is currently an instructor and Sr Administrator at the Vancouver College of Massage Therapy in Vancouver, BC. She also sits on the board of the CMTCA. She has spoken at conferences nationally (Vancouver and Toronto) and internationally (New Orleans, San Diego and Auckland). She has focused her education and teaching in perinatal health, pediatric care, post-surgical care, pain management and trauma informed care. She continues to practice in her clinic, Family Center Therapeutics in Vancouver, BC. If she is not teaching, on campus or in her clinic, you can find her at home with her 4 children, her dog, Buddy and cat, Chicken.

June 1, 2:15PM - 3:30PM

A Soft Touch: Palliative Massage

End of life comes to everyone and often involves physical discomfort and emotional distress. The kind, caring touch of massage therapy can ease pain, soothe anxiety and fear, communicate reassurance, and support, and provide invaluable human connection at a vulnerable time.

In this presentation, we will learn about the physiological changes that occur in the dying body and how massage therapy can help alleviate common complaints such as bed sores, constipation, and pain. We will consider how to work with sensitivity and professionalism in the face of challenges, such as denial and family conflict. We will discuss the importance of interprofessional collaboration with other health professionals, and the valuable role we can play in helping family members connect through touch. Just as importantly, we will explore our own emotional experience in offering palliative massage, from privilege to grief, and how to maintain appropriate professional boundaries.

Attendees will leave with practical tools they can use to help soothe the discomfort experienced by a palliative patient, an appreciation of the role of massage therapy within a palliative health team, and a greater ability to navigate the delicate, complex, and changing emotional experience of everyone involved.

Susan Shipton, RMT, CDT, MClSc

Susan Shipton has been an RMT in Toronto since 2012 and has worked extensively with people in all stages of cancer, including up until their death. She has massaged patients in the clinic, in the hospital, and in their homes, interacting with medical teams and family, and bearing witness to this most profound life transformation. She is often grateful for the soothing touch massage can offer and for the privilege to care for people at their most vulnerable.

Susan has a Master’s degree in Advanced Health Care Practices: Interprofessional Pain Management from Western University. In 2024, she launched an online continuing education course for RMTs on Oncology Massage. Learn more at .

June 2, 10:00 AM, 11:15 AM

How could cancer treatment impact my massage treatments?

This presentation will be an introduction to working with people with cancer. The case study approach will:

    • Provide an overview of common cancer treatments
    • Establish the massage therapy adaptations required for the side effects of cancer treatment
    • Address the principal contraindications and precautions for working with people with cancer

With 2 out of 5 Canadians being diagnosed with cancer, massage therapists require foundational knowledge to be prepared for working, in all practice settings, with this population. This session will encourage attendees to learn more about what is necessary to safely and effectively work with patients who have undergone cancer treatment.

Janet Penny, RMT

Janet Penny is an Ottawa-based RMT with a private practice that focuses on people with cancer or recovering from cancer treatment. She is the co-author of Oncology Massage: An integrative approach to cancer care (Handspring 2021).

Janet teaches a 4-day oncology massage certification course that is approved by The Society for Oncology Massage (S4OM). This course provides foundational knowledge on how to safely work with people with cancer. As well, it focuses on developing skills in rehabilitative massage for people living with the extensive side effects of biomedical cancer treatments.

June 2, 1:00 PM, 2:15 PM